Thursday 3 July 2014

Feast of Dukhrana, a Meditational thought on the aspect of Faith

My Lord and My God (Jn 20; 28)

Well, this is what came out from the mouth of St. Thomas the Apostle when he saw the Risen Lord. It might well be an exclamation of over joy or it could be an exclamation of deep sorry. If it was a joyful exclamation, the joy came from his deep feelings for Jesus. And if exclamation of sorrow, then that would surely for his 'doubting behavior.?

When everyone else could see the Lord after his resurrection, how could St. Thomas spare himself from without seeing his Lord. Was he not a good disciple? Nowhere in the Holy Bible we see that he was an unfaithful or wicked one. (In fact, any of the disciples except Judas Iscariot was described in a negative way and the lone negative statement Jesus made about his eleven disciples was about Peter whom he called 'Satan'. You know the occasion as well).